welcome to In Flore!

this is a petz crew and adoption site
run by mouse, founded in 2021.
to see my resource/archive site, please visit cookie planet


1/16/25 advent petz caught up and added in record time! all thanks to petz camp for the incentive! haha. also moved some petz around, i figured if a hexed pet looked like the base breed i would include it on its intended page....not sure about this choice yet but we will see!

5/11/24 got all my advent petz added to the site, almost halfway through the year :) celebrate little victories.

1/13/24 slowly updating the crewsite with all my advent pets and planning on some new litters on the site, keep an eye out!

10/10/23 we are back!! added 17 new pets as well as gave the entire site a small overhaul! some things are still pending but the site is about 90% finished and i am ready to show it off :)

4/15/22 three litters are now available on our adopt page! fill out the form and adopt some cuties!

3/24/22 added about 6 new poodles to the crew pages thanks to whiskerwick's poodle week..........i may have a problem.........

3/9/22 lavish is now an SGCh! added vincent and mocha to the dogs crew pages~

1/8/22 added all my hexies to the crew pages and added some new friends from the holiday season. hope everyone had a good new year!